What shave gear did you let go and regretted


Forum Sod
As the title, What did you own and let go, shave wise, no Cars Watches or Women. What did you sell on and regret?
I have to say I regretted selling my Wolfman 0.95, I should never have done that!
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Forum DOG!
Staff member
My Tradere, I sold it a few weeks before they stopped trading and the razors became unobtanium. Also my OC Guerrilla, I had reservations about selling that at the time but wanted the money for a Timeless. In retrospect I should have kept the Guerrilla and waited for the Timeless.


Forum GOD!
For me it’s the Raw RS-10. Had one when it was still easily available, sold it off. I got another one on eBay that was scratched and that became a mission in itself to get it returned and refunded.

Maybe the Wolfman 0.95 as second.