Your Worst Soaps!


Massive Member
Staff member
Thanks to Rob @Blackmass for the idea!
List your worst, under-performing, underwhelming and down right crap soaps here:

For it would be:
Wilky Blue bowl
Razer Master

And I'm sure there are others that will come to mind...


Genius Member
Generally anything with coconut oil as the first ingredient (or second behind stearic acid) is going to be bad news for me.
MdC (love the scent though)
Shave Revolution
Catie's Bubbles (I still keep the Waterlyptus though for the scent).


Forum GOD!
The Blades Grimm and Nattys Silk stuff take the title for stuff so bad I wouldn’t give it to someone I don’t like
Uncle Jon’s was terrible
OSP and P&B...

Dr Watson

I'm yet to find a soap that was unusable (for reasons other than fragrance induced skin irritation) but there's been a few which left me underwhelmed...

Myrsol (odd slimey lather)
Geo. F. Trumper (poor lather which dissipates)
Pre de Provence 63 (light airy lather with no protection)
Razorock (utterly mediocre)
Palmolive stick (very drying)
Wickhams 1912 (controversial choice I know, but I always struggle to enjoy it)

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Forum GOD!
Henri &Victoria Nautilus. Difficult to lather and what lather it did make was thin providing little in the way of slickness and cushioning. As well, its scent was weak. I’ve also found C&E soaps to perform this way. Another soap I’ve been underwhelmed by is Mitchel’s Wool Fat: very difficult to lather and a peculiar scent.


Forum GOD!
I can only really include soaps that have caused me irritation:

Catie’s Bubbles (any)
Mystic Water (Irish Traveller, Vanilla Sandalwood)
Petal Pusher Fancies (any)
Phoenix & Beau (Star Noir)
Sapone di Paolo (Albera)

Mystic Water’s Sensitive Skin soap is one of my favourites, mind you, and P&B’s Volupta is perfectly good soap. I gave SdP another whirl with Pulito and that was perfectly fine. The other two I won’t touch with a barge pole, not that the PPF brand exists anymore.

Actually, add Taylor’s Sandalwood to that list. Not only did it make my face itch but it’s performance is utterly underwhelming - I get better lather from Wilkie ‘Blue
Bowl’, which at least has sentimental connotations as my dad and grandpa both use it.


Forum GOD!
MdC - ridiculously overpriced vs quality
PAA - anything made by them
Caties Bubbles
Handmade Soap Co.

There are too many great one’s now in GroomingDept, Wholly Kaw and the new Tallow & Steel. The above, and others like them, were passable a few years ago but have fallen by the wayside imo.
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a most elusive fish
Scottish Fine sucks.

Wonderful scent on Crabtree & Evelyn’s Indian Sandalwood, but the performance — blaaaah.

Ogallala in any scent smell nice and burn the crap out of my skin.

3P terrible on all counts.


Forum GOD!
Haven't tried a lot,
But there is one sope that really irritated my skin, Razorock

P.S.Noticed that almost everyone mentioned Razorock


Forum DOG!
Staff member
I think I’ve been lucky in that I’ve never had a truly bad soap. There have been some I’ve not cared for the scent of but in terms of performance I think the worst I’ve tried is TOBS sandalwood and that wasn’t terrible it’s just not that good.