Completed [COMPLETED] Brutalt Bra Shaving Soap group buy


a most elusive fish
[Not a fancy LE group buy, this, just an offer of buying regular stock as a group to gain better prices.]

Continuing on from another thread started by @Holyzeus. I got in touch with Hallgeir Bergum, the maker of Brutalt Bra shaving soap and he offered good prices on orders of five or more soaps. At five soaps the price is, inclusive of VAT, NOK 157 (£14). Further reduction with each additional five.

In order for you to be off the import and VAT hook, and provided sufficient interest, I thought I should have it sent to me, split it into individual parcels and send it on to you. I'll have to sort out the VAT issue, which you in principle should be exempt of (in which case the cost goes down by another 20%). And I would have to ship it on to you, which would mean 4 pounds(?) in postage.

So you are looking at, say, 18-19 pounds all in for one soap (TBC), less if VAT is out and less if more than ten soaps ordered in total.

Now to the soap and scents:
There are two scents on offer. Both are mild. The first is a rosemary-lavender scent, the other a Norwegian spruce (same as the TSN LE soap recently). I will be going for one myself as I haven't tried it, but there's plenty of praise out there for its performance (with the usual price caveat):
Interested? Let me know? I'm looking at you, @Steve Bowles. More takers? As noted, we need at least five soaps.

Currently at 13 soaps. "New prize unlocked", as the video games say. Or price in this case :)

1. @halvor: 1 spruce
2. @Holyzeus: 1 spruce, 1 regular
3. @Steve Bowles: 1 spruce, 1 regular
4. @missingskin: 1 spruce
5. @chris.hale: 1 spruce
6. @Laage: 1 spruce, 1 regular
7. @flobberdob: 1 spruce
8. @pj3r: 1 regular
9. @Sc0tt: 1 spruce, 1 regular
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Forum GOD!
Put me down for a spruce please halvor.

Hopefully will be better than that tree you sent to Trafalga Square :laugh:

Many thanks for sorting out the logistics of this.


a most elusive fish
I'll leave this running 'til over the weekend but expect a notice from Hallgeir today re price. We're at ten soaps now and that means a lower price than quoted in the first post :)


Forum GOD!
What about sending in Croatia? I would try rosemary-lavander if sending in Croatia is possible...